Bring Wifi router
Wifi access passwords, ask beforehand who accesses Eduroam, prepare temp guest accounts
Use Sticky notes
Contingency plans in case the internet doesn't work
Ask beforehand the food intolerances in case food is ordered
Bring extension leads
Locate and demonstrate fire escapes
Mention where the bathrooms are
Arrange with the organizers for a gender-neutral and disable access toilets
Ask the audience beforehand to mention disability requirements in an anonymous manner
Communicate plan for breaks
Check the room size, tables layout, and temperature
Check for power sockets
Be mindful of the audience conditions such as timezones, holidays, religious fasting, etc...
Ask about font size for presentations and especially for live coding
Be mindful of colors and contrast accessibility (black on light grey)
Screen visibility, avoid blocking parts of the screen
Use the microphone to connect to hearing loop
Bring co-trainers taking into account the number of participants
Have a gatekeeper to regulate discussions
Have a raisable table for live coding
Schedule practicals in the afternoon so people who have to leave early (e.g. childcare) can do this without missing too much and can catch up on their own time followed by catch up the morning after
Add Quizzes
Give access to materials beforehand
Structure the sessions to allow for a minute of silence, i.e. Brain-Break every 20 mins
If the audience is not engaging with the trainer, Encouraging discussions by having turn to their neighbor and talk for ~3 mins repeat
Ask for Feedback anonymously!
Last updated 3 years ago
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