Frequently Asked Questions
I want to analyze my data but the software only works on specific platforms, what are the alternatives? // My institute cannot afford the license, any open source alternatives? // This website/tool is not available in my country, are there any alternatives?
If you are struggling to find alternatives that work on your platform, please check our list of tools available.
If the software was written for another Operating System (OS), you may be able to use an emulator. For example, Windows programs often run under Linux using Wine.
I would like to teach my students how to use software X, I learned to use it in high computing environments, how do I adapt it? // How we conduct computational training in my country/institute/field without relying on an internet connection?
Here are some guides that can help you adapt your teaching practices:
Have a look at our Materials and Methods section.
How can I collaborate and send/receive data from international institutes?
I am creating software, what should I take into consideration for inclusive design? i.e. use on multiple platforms doesn’t require any/too heavy internet connection to function, readme file in multiple languages, the intuitive design doesn’t require much text, doesn’t require high computing power.
Add lists to inclusive design
Can I receive a mobile data grant to attend a conference?
What ethical tools can I use?
How do I design a virtual or physical event to be inclusive? // How do I ensure diversity in my event?
Alan Turing
Where can I find other groups/information about diversity: in tech and/or open science?
Awesome list
How do I get more people to interact with my resource?
Community building
Accessibility tips:
Where can I find info about mentoring others?
How do I become a better person? i.e. challenging my own biases
Learn more about your biases via bias test
How to challenge them
Where do I find information on other initiatives for inclusion in tech workforce?
Black Code collective https://blackcodecollective.com/
Last updated