Frequently Asked Questions

I want to analyze my data but the software only works on specific platforms, what are the alternatives? // My institute cannot afford the license, any open source alternatives? // This website/tool is not available in my country, are there any alternatives?

I would like to teach my students how to use software X, I learned to use it in high computing environments, how do I adapt it? // How we conduct computational training in my country/institute/field without relying on an internet connection?

How can I collaborate and send/receive data from international institutes?

I am creating software, what should I take into consideration for inclusive design? i.e. use on multiple platforms doesn’t require any/too heavy internet connection to function, readme file in multiple languages, the intuitive design doesn’t require much text, doesn’t require high computing power.

  • Add lists to inclusive design

Can I receive a mobile data grant to attend a conference?

What ethical tools can I use?

How do I design a virtual or physical event to be inclusive? // How do I ensure diversity in my event?

  • Carpentries

  • Alan Turing

Where can I find other groups/information about diversity: in tech and/or open science?

  • Awesome list

How do I get more people to interact with my resource?

Where can I find info about mentoring others?

How do I become a better person? i.e. challenging my own biases

  • Learn more about your biases via bias test

  • How to challenge them

Where do I find information on other initiatives for inclusion in tech workforce?

Last updated